Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Brady recently sold his old playstation 2 and all the games, since he never plays it , and got the new iphone!!! Which I am excited about mostly because that means I get his old phone! As many of you know, I haven't had a phone for the past month, so I am overjoyed to have a constant companion again! And he is overjoyed to have a new toy to constantly play with :) We just have to laugh at all the suckers who bought it when it was $400 dollars... hahahaha. Its was less than half the price for us since Brady had a credit with the phone company already!

Here is Brady's phone:

And here is my phone:

Okay not really, but mine (or his old one i should say) is a $14 "go" phone from walmart... so, you know.


Leandra said...

I am so glad about this! and jealous that I don't have the yarn sock phone. ps- i slept in til 8 today. sorry pilates. and gym in general.

cat.janer said...

Hahahaha suckers that bought it for $600=all the Atlas idiots. Love that. PS please tell Ryan to sell me one of the ipods from the Atlas Treasury Dept.

Eric said...

A phone is a phone, right?! I always use the free ones they give you. I don't need any extras. I'm glad you finally have a phone though. It stinks to go without one.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brady - dad is really glad you've come to the Apple way!! Smart choice!
Now I'm really glad I can call you Taryn! i meant to today, just for fun!

caroline said...

Snazzy phone- Mike's got his eye on one and keeps watching for the sales. Which probably means he'll get one in 10 years!- ha! We just barely jumped on the cell phone ban wagon a year ago. Though I must admit how did we ever live with out them??