Sunday, August 24, 2008

::hello shredder::

So, this weekend I came across the blog of a little fashionista named Tavi. You should probably look it up if you haven't, because its fantastic. (tavi's blog). She's 12 years old and she reviews trends and talks about the clothes she buys and what not. She has all of these designers and store owners and artists and people sending her free stuff and writing articles about her. I laugh out loud at her posts because she is a clever little one too. And I like her despite the fact that she is not a fan of Harry Potter. Now I ask you this question: where does she get off being cool? She's not supposed to do that for AT LEAST another 6 to 8 years. How are people becoming famous off of blogs? One more question: Why is my blog not famous. Wait. I already know the answer to that. But seriously, no one would appreciate free clothes and fame as much as I. New favorite quote of my life "That hat makes you look like a hacky sack". And this picture... just murdered me.


Carrie said...

I've seen her blog, too! yes, she is very lucky and i beg to differ. nobody would enjoy free stuff more than ME!!

Eric said...

I need to read her blog just for the witty reviews. I'm always looking for new and fresh talent.

Leandra said...

what I like best is the pictures she has of herself in the outfits. And I'm ticked I didn't come up with the idea first. Give me the free things.