Of course we went to the annual Willits halloween party and had so much fun! There were some awesome costumes and yummy food! Then we stopped by the Call party and had some more fun! Thanks for forcing us to take home the treats. I already ate my cupcake/muffin and it was soooo yummy, even though Brady smashed it on the way out. Why didn't we take pics? We also stopped by Ry and Steph's to catch up, see their sweet little girl, and spread some spooky cheer!
fyi: Brady was a plastic surgeon gone bad, and I was his patient
Also my parents were in town this week!!! It feels like forever since I've seen them. Its been almost a year. We had a TON of fun being with them during their short visit!!!
Spoon Me! We're excited to try Orange Cup in Dallas!


Love you mom and dad!
Thanks for the food and fun! We miss you already!
and i made 2 other posts in an attempt to get caught up....
man, you beat me. i'm trying to put all of my pics in sepiatone, in a slideshow and it's taking FOREVER! of course it doesn't help that i have a million to sort through and two boys who won't let me work on it for longer than five minutes at a time.
thanks for coming to the party!! i was so happy i had someone from my family there. hopefully next year the aaneruds, jeppsens, and denams will get to come. i know you guys didn't really know anyone there. we're already planning what we're gonna do for next year so it should be fun!
looks like a fun party! LOVE the costume, i may have to steal it for next year! you guys are so cute!
Sweet costumes! Very creative. I love the picture of the yogurt at Spoon Me with Dad in the background with his wallet out. Classic Dad! I can't wait for Thanksgiving either!!
Love the costumes!! You guys are creative!! Looks like you had fun with your parents...that's fun that they got to come visit. It's been a year since you've seen them?!? That's crazy!! Good that you got to see them :)
PS is that a real cast on Colsie's leg??
Love the costumes! That's fun that you got to go home for a little bit. Love the Halloween slideshow, too!
Best three days ever! We loved lunch at Einstien's, dinner at Tepanyaki, and yogurt at Spoon me!! Mostly we loved sitting with you guys and talking - at the barn, at Spoon me, and at your darling apartment!! You are so special together and we love seeing you! It had better not be a year before we see you again!
Loved your costumes - they really turned out scarey!! Just right for a busy spooky night!
Love you both!
Great costumes, yummy dessert, and fun visit! Looks like good times!
Love you!
Those costumes were great! And the Spoon Me yogurt looked deeeeeelish! That was so funny seeing your dad in the background with his wallet! And Brady in his new bday jacket. Looks like fun times, I just love your parents! :)
Taryn and Brady,
My mom showed me your blog and the hilarious video you have of jack at the antique store - I watched it like 6 times! Your blog is WAY cute! It was good to see you guys last month : )
Amber Scoggin
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