My boyfriend is leaving me for a week to go here:

Washington DC
I am so proud of him for getting chosen to go to an advocacy summit in DC, but I cannot lie, I won't be having much fun at home alone.
He will meet with congressmen, senators, and representatives on capitol hill. He'll advocate public health issues and attend workshops. He'll also miss his girlfriend, and I'm sure he'll find some time to sight see :)
Right now he's getting serious with his meetings, and talking about hot points to bring up while with the congressmen. He'll be leaving on Feb. 20.

Washington DC
I am so proud of him for getting chosen to go to an advocacy summit in DC, but I cannot lie, I won't be having much fun at home alone.
He will meet with congressmen, senators, and representatives on capitol hill. He'll advocate public health issues and attend workshops. He'll also miss his girlfriend, and I'm sure he'll find some time to sight see :)
Right now he's getting serious with his meetings, and talking about hot points to bring up while with the congressmen. He'll be leaving on Feb. 20.
Sounds so exciting! I can't wait to hear how it goes!! Have fun Brady and hang in there Taryn!
Wow! Way to go Brady! And Taryn, maybe we should come visit you while Brady is gone.
This is most excellent. I would love that opportunity. I'd also be very interested in hearing the questions you plan on asking them. I can't believe how jealous I am right now.
that's way cool. congrats brady! and taryn, you'll just have to come play with us. i have a boyfriend that's gone quite often, too!
come play!
(he leaves on griff's two year b'day. you can come celebrate with us!)
first, i love that you call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. :) so cute!
and i think it's funny that saric posted twice but you can tell exactly who posted which one.
i am super excited for brady! i hate being at home by myself too! it stinks! hang in there!
WOW! What an opportunity! You must be pretty darn awesome Brady . . . I'd imagine opportunities like these aren't for your average guy. But I guess in that respect, we're not surprised . . . you are NOT the average guy (you're pretty darn awesome!) CONGRATS! Can't wait to hear all about it! (Be safe :) And Teeny, hang in there. Sure wish I could come keep you company . . . I REALLY miss you!!!
Yea for Brady! We are really excited for you on this event (another keeper for the resume!)! What an experience this will be - can't wait to hear how you feel the mood on capitol hill is, especially concerning medical issues! Enjoy it all and make the most of your free time - there is so much to do there!
Tare, wish you could come home and spend the week with us - darn that school and work!! I know the time will pass pretty quickly because you will be so busy and have so much family and friends to keep you company if there are some lonely times.
Love you guys,
wow! I'm impressed. I can just see Brady talking it up with the congressmen and telling them the few points they need to work on.
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