Since we missed free doughnut day this year, I was happy to hear krispy kreme is it at it again!

pic from free doughnut day last year
In honor of father's day they are doing a promotion called dozens for dad. All you have to do is bring in your dad's (or husband's) ugliest tie and you get a dozen glazed doughnuts for free! Pregnant lady's dream come true.
run don't walk- promo ends this Sunday

pic from free doughnut day last year
In honor of father's day they are doing a promotion called dozens for dad. All you have to do is bring in your dad's (or husband's) ugliest tie and you get a dozen glazed doughnuts for free! Pregnant lady's dream come true.
run don't walk- promo ends this Sunday
That is SUCH a cute picture! I saw it before I read the caption, and was like hey where'd the belly go?? That's a cool promo! Bringin' in an ugly tie...I don't know if Matt has any anymore...we might have gotten rid of them (I say we, but it was probably really me ;) )
When. is. this. day.
I HAVE to know:)
Also I love you and I was so happy to see you for a little while this week! You look great!
oh how fun! i still love that picture of you cute! now, i must find our nearest krsipy kreme place!!
you are hilarious!! :)
i still love that picture from last year, it's just too creative. it belongs in a magzine somewhere! i am such a sucker for donuts!!! when i was pregnant with chandler i got up early every day so that i could drive all the way to the dunkin donuts on centerville and get my fix before going to work. every single day for months i did that. fun memories.
I am SOOOO behind! I had no idea you were pregnant!!!! Congrats girl!!!! you are going to absolutely love being a mom, it is the best- especially with a baby girl, they are so so much fun! I am so sorry to be so out of it, I am so excited for you!
well, i know what we're doing on brad's birthday morning! thanks for the tip.
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