Monday, September 27, 2010

{bumps and bruises}

I tried to find a picture that was not completely inappropriate for the blog.

So, B got in a small accident. As you can see from the pictures, he is totally fine-with some scrapes, swelling, bumps, and bruises (and maybe a broken wrist). We got a scooter at the beginning of summer, to ease the pain of being a one car family. Today the scooter didn't quite do its job of easing the pain.

I feel bad. I can't blame it on the scooter. It wasn't its fault (or Brady's) that sometimes people in cars don't look both ways before they pull out of a parking lot.

Jeff (my little Bro) was watching Liv for us today (as he does every Mon.) while Brady went to his 1 hour class. On B's drive back up Columbia Ln, he noticed a car waiting, about to pull out of a parking lot. Just as B was getting there, the car puts on the gas and pulls out. At the same time, this man in the car sees Brady, and now slams on the break, stopping dead in the middle of the road. B had the wits to swurve and lay the scoot down and slide, rather than just hit the car broadside and fly over it. After getting things sorted, he drove up to my school to get our car, so that he could take Jeff to his class (he needed the car to put Liv in the carseat). I'm called out of class, and I walk to the front of the building. I see B with gloves on his hands. This is strange. And then I hear Dr. Molen talking to him and asking if he was hurt anywhere else. Of course my mind is racing and now my heart is pumping. Brady sees me and says "oh hi" and Dr Molen tells us to take a minute to go outside and talk. I ask a million questions, the first of which was "you're wearing gloves", not really a question but that's just all that came out. After he tells me what happened (he's kind of laughing about it) I just burst into tears. I can't help it; thinking of him on that scooter being hit by a big car....I don't know. I was thinking I was happy that he was pretty much fine, that the scooter was pretty much fine, and at the same time thinking of all the other terrible things that might have happened. We hugged each other tight for a second while I shed some tears, and then I pulled it back together.

Seriously, since we got that scooter I was hounding B to wear the helmet. He NEVER did, because its legal here not to. Everyday, right when he walked in I would say "Beetle (thats what I call him) why didn't you where your helmet?" and he always wondered how I knew. It was because his hair looked crazy.

Today, for some reason, he did wear his helmet. This made me cry too.

Things are getting taken care of. The other person involved feels terrible and is working on getting everything fixed and paid for. We have friends that have gone through, and some that are going through, very serious injuries. I don't want anyone to think that we think this is serious. Today just reminded me to be thankful for every second.


Willi Nixon said...

oh my gosh!! i'm so glad he's okay! this is the 3rd scooter accident i've heard of this week. scary!!

Anonymous said...

oh you guys....please please please the helmet! So grateful that things weren't worse.
Love you both.
Hope tomorrow is uneventful :)
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

What a blessing Brady had on a helmet and that he knows about "laying the scooter down"! (although that made for bad body skid marks (I guess it's called road rash) and I'm sorry for your hands, at least you weren't slammed into a car and thrown from the scooter!) I'm very grateful that the car driver is taking full responsibility and making things right, another blessing! Take care Brady and heal quickly - have you had an xray on your wrist? We love you and are so grateful that it wasn't worse!
Love, mom and dad

Brittney said...

How scary! I'm glad he made it out with injuries that weren't too bad, but that's still no fun. It's amazing how much it can really get to you when your husband or child gets hurt. It just breaks your heart and you with it were you instead of them!

Kendra said...

I'm so glad he wasn't hurt worse and especially that he was wearing his helmet. I hope this encourages him to wear it all the time now! And I'm glad the driver is taking care of things too.

Scottie and Angie said...

I am so happy he is ok! How scary and what a blessing he was wearing his helmet!

Kathleen said...

I was sick to my stomach when I heard this news. Oh Brady, I'm so sorry! You will be soooo sore. Please let us know if we can do anything... Offer rides etc. We are here...

Taryn, when you say Dr. Molen, are you talking about Chad? If so that's crazy, as I went to school with him... If so, please tell him hi from Kathleen Dunford.
You guys take it EASY!!
Love you

Dave and Jessica said...


I am so glad Brady was ok! Though his scrapes do look painful! I am glad he was wearing his helmet too! Glad you guys are well! Hang in there...the Lord is watching over you!

caroline said...

Ouch Brady!! So sorry that happened to you and your poor hands! Quick thinking, I'm so impressed with your reaction to it all. So grateful you're ok! I hope you get full use of your hands back quickly! Tare, Tell Dr. Molen "Hi" for me!

Megan Marie said...