Monday, November 17, 2008

::christmas countdown::

No we're not starting to countdown to Christmas just yet... I'm a firm believer of waiting until after Thanksgiving to really start counting down, but tonight for FHE we got started on some of our christmas gifts. We made christmas countdowns for all our nephews and nieces (something to look forward to carrie, sarah, caroline, and kjirst)! Its our super easy, super inexpensive version of an advent calendar. We'll give it to them at Thanksgiving so they'll get to open and eat 1 piece of candy (starting dec. 1) for 24 days straight (please don't hate us parents)! If your looking for something cute, simple, and fun to do for your nieces and nephs (or yourself) you should totally do this!

All you need is candy and/or small toys, saran wrap, and ribbon ties.

Here's how ours turned out:

There are several spins you could take on this and probably make them a lot cuter when you're not on a budget :)


ryan and danielle said...

that is such a cute idea! makes me wanna make one for us! haha!

ryan and danielle said...

that is such a cute idea! makes me wanna make one for us! haha!

Anonymous said...

Those turned out so good! So cute! The kids are all going to go crazy for them!! They will be so excited to see what they get each day! Once again, you win a fun aunt and uncle arward!

Leandra said...

those are so cute and I have to copy you! I gotta keep up my status as best aunt too!

Carrie said...

oh! i love it! the boys are going to love it, too! thanks guys!

we're excited for thanksgiving! the countdown for that IS on. just 9 more days!

caroline said...

you guys are the best!!!Our kids are going to go nuts!! Thank you!!

Kristi said...

You 2 are the best aunt and uncle ever! That is so cute and the kids will totally love them.

Eric said...

Woo woo! I'm pretty sure I can convince Jack to share with me!

Anonymous said...

Definitely a cute idea! Perhaps when my nieces and nephews get a little bigger and can actually eat candy, we'll do that. thanks for sharing!

AmyJ said...

Cute idea!! What a fun Auntie Taryn and Uncle Brady!! :)