On Friday night, after having a super fun (and yummy) night at the willits', we came home to this fun treat on our doorstep:
Then, Saturday night we recieved this:
Each time we get a 'surprise' i just can't stop thinking that whoever these people are, they are so nice and thoughtful! I know how busy people are during the holidays and I just feel so thankful for such sweet unselfish people. I hope that they know how much we appreciate these fun gifts, and how special it has made us feel. We have found ourselves thinking about who it might be and then trying to think of a way to serve that person, couple, or family. It has helped us realize that lately we have been thinking so much about ourselves and how busy we are (etc.) that we haven't done as much for others as we should. To see all the unselfish acts that go on (especially at Christmas) has truly inspired me to concern myself more with the needs of others rather than myself. As I've thought about that more, I realized how much less stress and heartache I would feel if I wasn't so worried about silly things in my life and used that time to call a friend and ask how they're doing, or even to drop off a 'secret' gift just to let someone know that they are loved.
how fun and sweet of your secret friends!
how sweet! so nice to know you're loved, huh?
Oh that is so very sweet!!! I love that someone is doing that for you. And thanks for the reminder to be kind, tis the season right. I love you and hope you are doing well. any fun trip plans for christmas?
It is so nice to know that someone is thinking of you huh? And they coulnd't have chosen a nicer couple to surprise!
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