"The great principle of happiness consists in having a body. The devil has no body, and herein is his punishment... All beings who have bodies have power over those who have not."
- Joseph Smith
We finally went to Body Worlds 3 & the story of the heart on Saturday, the last day was Sunday. We have been planning to go since October, when it came to Salt Lake, but for one reason or another our plans always seemed to fall through. They extended their hours for the last 3 days because there was such a great demand. We were lucky to get tickets for 10:30 pm as others had times of 12 or 1 in the morning, all the way to 6am.
This is us waiting in line. At least they had chairs for anyone who wanted, so we just sat and talked for 45 minutes.
There was a projection of a giant skeleton on the lobby wall that you could text to and he would say what you texted. That was my favorite part of waiting in line because some were pretty funny. The little boy in front of us kept texting in comments about his brother such as "Cody kisses girls" and "Cody is a fart bag". (He was 9 yrs. old)
This was the first full human body in the exhibit, and call me weird, but I was touched by this. They dedicated this to all the body doners and their families and thanked them for furthering science and helping others learn about anatomy. I think one reason I loved this so much was because I personally have felt so grateful for having the chance to see, touch, and learn anatomy with cadavers in the anatomy lab, and especially grateful for those who donated their bodies.
The pic on the left is of all the nerves in the body. And on the right is a figure skating couple.
The pedaling woman (disected into 3 parts)

"Have you ever contemplated the wonder of yourself, the eyes with which you see, the ears with which you hear, the voice with which you speak? No camera ever built can compare with the human eye. No method of communication ever devised can compare with the voice and the ear. No pump ever built will run as long or as efficiently as the human heart. What a remarkable thing each of us is ...

I believe the human body to be the creation of Divinity. George Gallup once observed, “I could prove God statistically. Take the human body alone—the chance that all the functions of the individual would just happen is a statistical monstrosity.” Our bodies were designed by our Eternal Father to be the tabernacle of our eternal spirits.
I believe that I am a child of God, endowed with a divine birthright. I believe that there is something of divinity within me and within each of you."
-Gordon B Hinckley
For more pics and a cool video go here: http://theleonardo.org/bodyworlds/
What an experience!! I love your pictures of the exhibits.I too remember feeling so overwhelmed with the fact that Heavenly Father DOES exist and often felt like a dork when I would get teary eyed in anatomy and physiology :) It's fun to get to see exhibits like that too I imagine after having worked on cadavers and knowing all about them. Thanks for sharing that. love ya!
ps- I enjoyed your JS quote at the beginning, that's a really empowering fact that I need to remember more often!
I skipped through most of the pictures at the exhibit. That's just not my thing, BUT I'm glad you guys went! I thought about you two every time I heard about that cause you're both medical minded people. Glad you went and enjoyed it!! :)
That is funny about the text talking skeleton and the 9 yr old boy. That's crazy how late they were open, but it is pretty cool. We didn't go to this exhibit, but we went to one in Dallas just before Jack was born. Amazing!
taryn I wanted to go to that so bad but it is hard with a new baby- i'm glad you guys got to go and enjoyed it so much, looks like i was amazing and all it's cracked up to be. didn't you and I sneak into the anatomy lab one time to see a cadaver?!! haha that was fun :)
I have heard about this and want to go so bad... one day hopefully it will come to Columbus. I loved all the pics. When did you get the glasses...are they real
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