Saturday, February 21, 2009

My B is in DC!

I haven't actually talked to him on the phone since his layover yesterday morning, so he must be having a good time :) This is a pic he sent me last night:

I realize that this is probably the crappiest quality picture possible, but its all I've gotten, so there ya go. I can't wait to hear all about it!

Meanwhile, Sarah came down this weekend and we spent the night at Carrie's last night and had some fun sister time!! It was Griff's 2 year b-day! We had a little party for Griff, ate yummy cupcakes that Carrie made, talked and talked while doing all of the above, and then watched Nights in Rondanthe. Our husbands will be so happy that now they don't ever have to watch it with us.

Today, Steph and I got to go dress shopping with Danee again and had fun sister-in-law time!! Danee is the cutest bride-to-be I know!

And since I have the greatest friends in the world, they came over tonight and we played games, ate ice cream, and talked for hours.

I don't have my camera and I feel like my right thumb is missing because, as you may have noticed, I like to document life with pics :)


Eric said...

I can't wait to hear about his trip and see more pictures. I'm glad you spent the night Friday. I had so much fun!

Anonymous said...

You are keeping very busy while Brady is away! Good, that will help the time to go so much faster! I can't wait to hear all about his trip! I know this is an amazing experience and opportunity for him! I'm so glad you had such a fun week end, too!

Carrie said...

i know how you feel without your camera. i, too, like to document my life with pictures and when you don't have your camera it's a sad sad day.

thanks for coming over this weekend. it was so much fun to be able to have some sister time and just talk the night away. :) (literally)

caroline said...

Good thing you have such fun sisters and friends near by- I bet that will make it go by faster. What a fun weekend! Can't wait to hear how about Brady's trip!

caroline said...
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Kris and Megan said...

don't you hate being apart! last year Kris and I were apart for at least a week (sometimes 1.5-2 weeks) probably 3 or 4 times. I hated it. also, I really am serious about all your pictures. who takes them? I want someone to take a family pic for us, possibly some of Landon and I'm just trying to see what's out there. if it's you Taryn who has all the skills I'll pay you for an hour to come work your magic! ha! But seriously, you'll have to tell me how you get all these amazing pics of you and Brady.

AmyJ said...

No camera? I know how that is! I feel lost without mine! I forgot it at my parent's house last week, and I felt the same way-no right thumb!! Brady's trip looks interesting...I keep telling Matt that I want to take all our kids to DC when they're big enough to understand it and remember it.

Excited to see more pictures of his trip!!

kjirsten said...

Camera or no camera . . . good times for you and Brady!! So nice to be busy (having fun) while Brady's away! Can't wait to hear more about Brady's experience in DC!

We got your card
yesterday . . . :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

ryan and danielle said...

i hope he is taking lots of pics!! :) sounds like you will be plenty busy while he is away!

p.s. LOve love LOVE the new header picture! so cute! you use picnik to edit?

taryn said...

Dan- Sometimes I use picnik, but I usually just edit them myself. I wish I had photoshop so I could do more.