Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Im an April Fool!

So, what would you think if you woke up this morning to find a big black thing in your toothpaste? Well, thats what I found when my sweet little wife reminded me (as she often does) to brush my teeth before I headed off for class...let me show you a picture to give you an idea of what it was like:

I wish I could have seen my face during those seconds of confusion and disgust after seeing the black blob...My first thought was, how does toothpaste rot?? Then I thought it was a big bug....gross! But the confusion and disgust soon tuned to laughing after hearing the giggles coming from my pregnant wife who I thought would be gagging at the sight!
Thats when it hit me...April Fools! Tare had put a blueberry (thats right, a WHOLE BLUEBERRY!) in the toothpaste tube! It was hilarious and I was proud of my girl for pulling of the prank without laughing (until just after of course).
I should have known...last April 1st, I got into bed after a long day of school and reached for my book to get settled down for the night. As I turned to the pages to begin reading, a big white cloud jumped out of the book, right into my lap! Tare had filled my book with a nice little flour bomb! it was hilarious and I dont think we stopped laughing the whole night:)

SO BEWARE! It doesnt matter how sweet or innocent someone looks, all bets are off today! Happy April Fooling to everyone today (and be careful when brushing your teeth!)


taryn said...

YES!! I love this post.

I never want to forget the flour bomb experience! I have your face etched in my mind. It was the perfect combo of your face being so confused and also so ticked! Then when you found out it was just me you laughed. It makes me laugh every time I think about it! Probably one of those "you had to be there" stories because it was hilarious.

At least I don't do mean or embarrassing pranks...Love you!

ryan and danielle said...

hahha, how cute! i never would have suspected tare to be such a pranker! hahaah. but those are both good ones! thank goodness my husband is out of town today!

Brittney said...

That's too funny. Also, I haven't blogged for a while so I just found out you're pregnant! CONGRATULATIONS!! Babies are the best! You'll be great parents.

AmyJ said...

haha...nice one, Taryn!!

caroline said...

Love the "dental" prank! Taryn, you'll make a GREAT hygienist- you're already hygiene-minded:)
Good one!

Eric said...

That's funny! That would be pretty gross!