Monday, November 9, 2009


I was talking with my mom yesterday and she casually mentioned that she hadn't seen anything on the blog in a while. And then not so casually said she wanted to see more pics of Livy :)

"One of our favorite things is to just sit with you on our big bed in the morning
when none of us have anywhere to rush off to.
We get to just sit and chat and coo at you, giggle at your smileys,
and sometimes,
if we're really lucky,
you talk back to us, and we get to relax.
Our whole family together."

-from 'letters to my baby' (a private diary for Liv)


Anonymous said...

Sweet baby Liv - what a cutie! Mornings are the best with a baby (even a child) when they first wake up and are so happy to see you and talk to you! How fun to cuddle all together!

Eric said...

What sweet little thing! Baby smiles are the best!

Scottie and Angie said...

Love the private diary...such a great idea and so cute!

Kristi said...

Your letters to Livy are going to be so special to her one day. So sweet. You guys are loving parenthood and it shows. :)