Sunday, November 15, 2009

tummy time

Here's a little video of Olivia's tummy time.
Can you tell we love to squish her chubby cheeks?
And disregard the comments about spit up at the end...


Anonymous said...

What a cute face! I love her eyes and her hair is looking kids of lite! She is so strong! I can't believe she does tummy time so good already!

Debi said...

Oh I love hearing what a tender Dad you are Brady. I love that little girl and can't wait to see you all for Thanksgiving and the blessing.
You are Taryn and crazy about those cheeks and so are we. :)


Kris and Megan said...

she is just a beautimous baby!! she did way better at tummy time than landon ever did!! and i love hearing how proud you are of her and how amazing even the littlest things are- they are such beautiful little miracles aren't they??

Kristi said...

She IS strong! It's so funny to watch them hold their heads up for a while and then get tired and then just drop their heads like 'this is just too hard!' She's a doll. GOOD JOB LIVY!