Saturday, April 2, 2011


I have so much to update! But first, the most important announcement: Liv got some little bangs! 
One random night, Livy's hair was in her eyes (as ush) and we just decided on a whim to cut her some stylish bangs. 
Don't ask why I thought we'd be good enough. I was on a weird everyone needs to get their haircut RIGHT NOW whim. 
B cut 7 inches off mine, and I cut his, so naturally we chopped her some bangs so it wouldn't be in her eyes.

 I think it looks pretty cute if I do say so myself.

We visited daddy at work...

and then Liv had a few items she wanted to pick up at the grocery store:

Sorry for the terrible quality. She's too fast for my iphone!


Danee Hansen said...

She looks so grown-up!

Anonymous said...

What a shopper - you have trained her well! I love how she carries the basket! Very cute hair!