Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We started early this year...

This has been a different Christmas for me since none of my married siblings came home this year. 
We have always had a FULL house since I have 6 sibs, and now almost all of them have several children of their own. 
The last time we were together, Liv was 3 months old and the house was crazy with kids and people running everywhere. 
That's just how it is over here, and how its always been. Even though it can get a little overwhelming at times, I missed seeing everyone this year. 

With that said, opening presents on Christmas Eve with just our small family of 3 was really quaint and fun! 
We were sent so many lovely presents all the way from Oregon from our cute Hansen family! 
We decided to open them on Christmas Eve, after caroling. We were the only ones in the house because my parents 
were dropping treats by few more places.  We were so excited to open them, and set up the tripod to
 catch some of the action. Liv really did love everything and so did we! Thank you!!!


Kris and Megan said...

very cool video!!! loved the song too! and taryn, you are such a babe. :) by the way, kris dreamed that you and i were hanging out, and that you got assaulted by some guy, so he went down and beat the crap out of him, and then apparently i decided to go out with the same guy, and he was SO angry with me... what a dream huh?!! so just know that if brady isn't there for some reason, and you happen to be around us, kris has your back! haha

taryn said...

Oh Megan, that is the funniest dream! Why did you go out with him?! Probably because of the "night time syndrome". Is that what we used to call it? Do you remember? Hahaha, so funny! Also, I want to thank Kris for defending me in Brady's absence!

Miranda Thompson said...

Love this video!