I won't apologize, but I will warn you that there are a lot, like a lot, of photos in this post. Yes, I am biased and yes, I think my kids are absolutely adorable!
Liv was is the happiest mood! She couldn't care less about the food part of Thanksgiving (out of all that food, she only ate a roll), but she was so excited to see cousins! Scarlett was precious the whole time, and slept during the feast. We have so much to be thankful for. I already wrote about how grateful I am for my little family, and it almost goes without saying that I am grateful for my brothers and sisters, in-laws, nieces and nephews, and parents as well. I also feel so blessed to have gotten this time to be so close to my parents. They have helped us so much during this transitional time for our family, and I continue to learn life lessons from them everyday.
This particular year we are especially thankful for our sweet baby Scarlett who is already 6 months old and a huge joy in our lives, how much our lovely Olivia has loved preschool and how it has helped her social skills and attention span, and Brady's acceptances to medical school!
This is the sign we made from some of the treasures we collected from our nature walk |
Cute baby Scarlett wearing cousin Anna's Thanksgiving dress |
Lettie went down for a nap, so we all went outside to play while waiting for cousins to arrive. The weather was amazing and Liv always has so much fun when we are all together. |
While we were outside Grandma and Pops called! Liv was truly ecstatic to see them on facetime. |
Is there any question to how much she loves her family in Oregon (though they were in Utah at the time)?! |
Part way through the conversation, Liv fake yawned and crawled up there to pretend fall asleep...I'm not sure if she's trying to show off or if she gets a little shy or nervous? Whatever it is, it wasn't the first time she's done it and it's pretty cute every time. |
She perked back up in time to hear and see Brady's Grandma Hansen (Betty). Brady told her "that's my Grandma Betty", and Liv got really confused and a little angry because she wanted to see Grandma Debi. When she did see her Grandma she kept saying "that's my Betty, Grandma Debi" :) |
After the convo it was back to business. This is a favorite pastime of Liv's |
Again, Liv wanted to pretend to sleep, only this time Daddy had to do it with her. I love this because they're both peeking :) |
Then the Grant's arrived! And Liv was literally so excited she was trying to jump off B's shoulders. |
Claire (4), Liv (3), and B |
I love when cousins come because she has playmates! |
Before we went outside, Liv and I made this Thanksgiving placemat out of felt. Good thing she had it for that single roll she feasted on. |
Just a few of the items we feasted on and cute Anna (1) and Grampy |
When Lettie woke up she was completely content to lay on the floor and listen and watch all the people. She is a dream! |
A rainbow to end our perfect Thanksgiving day! |
The story here is that we let Liv skip her nap because she was having so much fun with her cousins, but it all hit the fan at about 5pm. She got real cranky so we let her be alone in our room and watch some shows on the ipad. I came in a few minutes later to check on her and she was out! One of the only times she has ever fallen asleep out of her bed. |
With each holiday I can't help but feel a pang of sadness that we won't be here next year. Of course I'm excited too, but I am trying to take in all this family while we can. Next year it will be a little different. We had a wonderful day and are so thankful that we had family to celebrate with this year :)
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