Friday, November 8, 2013


Today my little girl had her first lunch date with friends. She was adamant that I not go with her. When I pulled out some money, she said, "Oooh, give me ALL the money!" with her hand outstretched. Then, when we saw a purse upstairs she was overjoyed at the idea of putting money inside the purse and wearing the purse on her shoulder like Mommy. And she insisted that she wear her black tutu over her pants "because everyone loves it".

Um, who is this girl? My little tomboy girl NEVER wants to wear tutus (she'll wear skirts but never tutus), has never been keen on carrying a purse, and has never in her life requested a shirt with hearts on it. It was so fun to see her have such a girly opinion on her outfit (she picked every single piece of it) but then I worried that she was trying to be like the other girls. You know, just trying to fit in. And then that worried me. Not super worry, just Mom worry, as in there is always some little thought in the back of your mind that worries you. As a Mom, you never stop worrying and every single thing your child does makes you worry about something else.

But like I said, it was pretty fun for me to have her being so girly. Usually I suggest a skirt over leggings and she refuses. This time I was taking advantage of the moment, so I showed her how nice a pink tutu skirt would match the pink hearts on her shirt. She refused. She really wanted the black tutu. And that actually made my Momma heart happy because she's still herself.

Her favorite color is not pink, her favorite colors are blue and black. And no one will change her mind on that. And I love that about her! I hope she always voices her opinion and doesn't let anyone else change it unless she herself thinks about it and decides to change. But never just because everyone else is doing it. She is confident. And she doesn't care if she's the only one doing something her way. Part of the reason I love this about her is because I was so not like that, so its actually that I admire her. I admire my 4 year old daughter. I am still finding confidence in who I am and my opinions, and I just feel like I can learn so much from her. Sometimes she frustrates me when I want to dress her a certain way, or I want her to just play princesses with her friends, but then I realize how proud I am of how she is completely fine to play puppies or babies even though the others are playing princesses. I love that she dresses up like a bear or a dear when the others dress in princess dress-ups. I just love her.

My sweet friend, Becca picked her up and off she went without me. Didn't even look back. Becca said she was very well-behaved. All the kids got Macaroni. Only Liv got a cheeseburger. She knows what she wants. That's my girl!


Debi said...

What a good momma you are Taryn! I am grateful to see Olivia through your eyes. She has such a bright future :) Love you all!!!

Gma Debi :)

Carrie said...

such a sweet post. we love that little livy girl!