Monday, April 6, 2009

::Poor me::

This is my poor me post because I have a cold and I'm miserable. Does anyone have any home remedy secrets: something safe to take that will knock out a headache or a good decongestant?

And feel like I haven't gotten a wink of sleep (probably due to the sickness more than the pregnancy). Any secrets to knock me out at night?

According to my doctor I can just take an excedrine and drink a coke, but I've never been a big medicine or caffeine person, and I certainly don't want to start while I'm pregnant!


ryan and danielle said...

awww I feel so bad for you tare! I wish I had a good potion for you to take!! but I will wish you better! get well soon!

Eric said...

Wish I could help, but I can't. I had a sinus infection for almost the entire nine months with Addie, and I never found any remedies. I would say rest and fluids are a good idea, but since you can't sleep, thats no help. Feel better soon!

Anne said...

Taryn! I'm so sorry you're so sick! Do you still need some redmedies? My mom might have a few I can ask her after work...I'll let you know.

Oh and you're blog is so fun! And nice first baby purchase! :)

Anne said...

Hey, so something that my mom has done before that just makes me feel better... it heat up water, then add in honey, lemon oil/or lemon juice with peppermint oil. It made me feel better....but I have some other remedies I'll email you about later.

taryn said...

I'll definately try that! Thanks Anne!