Monday, February 15, 2010

little giggles

She can finally giggle...

Only for daddy though. But she plays peek-a-boo with me :)


Carrie said...

so sweet! she likes the daintier things with momma and the manly growling with daddy. i had the boys come watch with me. they ran right over, they were so excited to see her.

The McBrides said...

so so cute! I remember when Halle starting giggling, its the best! She still mostly just laughs for Dustin, it must be something little girls have for their daddys!I love those jammies, Halle used to have the same ones but grew out of them :( they just just grow up too fast!

Anonymous said...

It's so cute that she has a special time with each of you! She giggles for Brady and smiles sweetly for you! What a sweet sound her baby giggles make! I love how she started blinking in anticipation. It's so cute that she doesn't respond to Brady when he tries peek a boo and she doesn't respond to you whenyou growl! She's particular!

caroline said...

ohhhh!!! so sweet!!! I love her smiles for you and the giggles for Daddy! She's so pretty!!!