I kind of love that we can all take pics with our iphones because it captures everyday moments that I would have otherwise forgotten. Even though pictures with the real camera are nicer quality, I'm just thankful to have my phone handy when I don't want to drag the big camera out.
These are pictures from mine and B's phones. Some are instas but most aren't:
We got a 'Jake and the Neverland Pirates' app for the ipad. You are supposed to take a photo of your child so you can make a little figure, and since Liv refuses to ever pose for photos this was what we got.
Somehow it worked out perfectly. |
bathtime = cute time |
B would go to Eastfield to study. Well thats what he told me he was doing, but apparently he was just re-watching LOST. Kidding, this was during his lunch break. Anyway, someone saw that he was watching LOST and left this note on his computer when he turned his back. If you've seen the whole series you know that Vincent is the dog from season 1, haha!
I call this "The Perfect Storm"
B had to change both girl's diapers (obviously before Liv was potty trained) at the same time because
no one could find me anywhere at church. Where was I? Just sitting in the front row of Relief Society.
I guess no one thought to look in the exact place that I was supposed to be ;) |
Pure joy! Liv face timing Daddy while they are in the same room |
sunnies on head: check, giant water bottle: check, ready to go swimming!
As you can see, she feels very serious about swimming. |
these little guys are all over the place |
slush puppies and more swimming.
Liv likes to pretend to be a baby sometimes, hence the baby float. |
Liv giving Scarlett some toys to play with and a bracelet |
this girl smiling all the time! |
Grasshopper stuck in that curly hair :) |
While our friends, the Hales, were gone we got to take care of their dog Derby and Liv was in heaven!
She liked playing with some of their toys too :) |
I love the sunsets here.
This isn't even a great pic but I love driving around this little town at sunset. It so pretty and has that country feel. |
lots of nails getting painted |
potty training |
made some rain gutter book shelves for a reading nook in Liv's room |
a few blow outs.
Sorry this is so disgusting, but if you want a glimpse into our everyday life this cannot be left out! |
A fat lip :(
Her favorite game is playing chase and she slipped and fell flat on her face on the tile in the foyer |
blurry, but I couldn't resist including it |
melts my heart |
Doing gymnastics while watching the US olympic girls gymnastics |
sweetheart baby |
"Smile at mama so I can take a picture" Great job Liv, you nailed it. Ha! |
For a while Liv only wanted to hold Scarlett while laying down. Sometimes I let Scarlett sleep on me in the mornings and thats what Liv would always walk in and see when she'd come in our room in the morning. |
Don't worry, that was just the temp in the car after it had been sitting in the parking lot. It was really only 110*. |
This kills me. Pat's face and Liv's nakey bum in the corner. What would we do without face time (or bum time in this case). |
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